Tax implications of FTX and Celsius Bankruptcy

Earlier this month, we presented to IRD about claiming tax loss for taxpayers who held cryptocurrency on these platforms. A summary of that presentation can be found here. We have now received a reply to that presentation, and this article…

IRD Guidance on Airdrops

This month, IRD finally published guidance regarding the taxable treatment of airdrops. What is an airdrop? An airdrop is a distribution of tokens without compensation (i.e., for free), generally with a view to increasing awareness of a new token, particularly…

NZ Government launched cryptocurrency inquiry to understand benefits and risks

An inquiry into the nature, impact and risk of cryptocurrencies has been announced by Parliament's Finance and Expenditure Committee. It will look into the nature and benefits of cryptocurrencies as well as the risks to both users and Aotearoa as…

Podcast: How cryptocurrency will be taxed with Tim Doyle

Cryptocurrency was once a concept linked to the dark web, apparently untraceable and outside the purview of governments. Obviously, the creators of cryptocurrency never counted on the tenacity of the taxman. We talk to leading cryptocurrency tax consultant Tim Doyle…

Inland Revenue Requests Information from New Zealand Cryptocurrency Companies

You have likely received an email in the past month informing you that IRD has requested client information from NZ cryptocurrency retailers. This includes your personal details and purchase/sale history. All businesses in NZ (regardless of industry) are legally required…

Cryptocurrency GST & Financial Arrangements – IRD Update

IRD have released a consultation paper about an exclusion of GST and financial arrangements to cryptocurrencies. In summary, IRD propose to exclude GST and financial arrangement rules from cryptocurrency retrospectively from 1 January 2009. This is positive news for New…