Crypto Tax Update (2023 Market Decline)

In recent months, we have had many difficult conversations with cryptocurrency clients about their tax liability for the 2022 financial year (from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022). Many of our clients made significant profits in the 2022 financial…

Tax Position on Sacrificing Tokens to Pulse Chain

Some clients have sacrificed HEX tokens with the intention to receive PULSE tokens once they are released. This article considers the tax position and the current application of the income tax legislation, draft IRD guidelines on DEFI protocols, and our…

DEFI Disposal & Acquisition Concepts

I recently presented at the Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand (CAANZ) tax conference in Christchurch about cryptocurrency tax. The presentation included disposal and acquisition concepts of cryptocurrency DEFI tax which are outlined in this article. Some cryptocurrency investors will not…

Implications of Cryptocurrency as Excepted Financial Arrangements

In March 2022, IRD released a new bill that classifies cryptocurrency as excepted financial arrangements (EFA). This was the same bill that removed GST from most cryptocurrencies and is retrospectively applied to 1 January 2009. The classification of cryptocurrencies as…

IRD Guidance on Airdrops

This month, IRD finally published guidance regarding the taxable treatment of airdrops. What is an airdrop? An airdrop is a distribution of tokens without compensation (i.e., for free), generally with a view to increasing awareness of a new token, particularly…

Bulletproofing Your Cryptocurrency Record Keeping

Cryptocurrency trading can be like an emotional rollercoaster. When we present financial statements to clients, they are surprised to see their trading volume. It’s nearly always higher than they expected. They have transacted with cryptocurrency going back and forth, in…

Hidden Complexities of Buying Cryptocurrency for Someone Else

Sometimes, people might buy cryptocurrency on behalf of another. A friend or family member may say, "Hey, here's $10,000. Can you get me some too?" At the time, it doesn't seem like a big deal. But come tax time, it…